Treat This Condition with Active Isolated Stretching
Summary of Condition:
There is usually consistent irritation in the subacromial region. Extrinsic causes such as an acromial spur, tendon calcification, a curved or hooked acromion, or acromioclavicular osteophytes may be present. Most frequently impingement involves the musculotendinous portion of the supraspinatus, the infraspinatus, the subscapularis, or the long head of the biceps.
Benefits of AIS on Condition:
The program should include the entire shoulder AIS stretching program and emphasizing shoulder sideward elevation, having the palm of the hand facing backward. The strength program should include the rotator cuff muscles, shoulder stabilization exercises, and posterior shoulder adduction using a band or pulley and pulling downward toward the buttock, having the body face away from the mechanism of overload.
Example of excerpt from Book or DVD:
Hyperextension Single Arms:
Muscles stretched are the biceps brachii and anterior deltoid muscles. The muscles contracted are the triceps brachii and posterior deltoid muscles. Stand or sit erect with you head tilted forward 15 degrees to prevent neck stress. Keep your arms close to the side of your body with the palms of your hands facing backward. Exhale and reach both arms backward as far as possible. Release and return to the starting position. Do 1-2 sets of 10 repetitions. (Excerpt from Active Isolated Stretching: The Mattes Method. Pg. 20)